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nice plants (and banana).
Are there no quarantine laws into Europe from Asia?

Good question!

Although Switzerland is in Europe, Switzerland isn't a member of the EU. Does this mean that Switzerland's import requirements are less stringent than the EU? Anyone?

The requirements to send plants or flasks to Europe from Australia are really quite restrictive (EU requirements not Australian requirements).

Some months ago I sent 4 flasks to Europe from Australia. Cost of flasks $1000Aus + $600Aus for pre export quarantine/inspections + $121Aus for postage.

If other countries can send plants/flasks to Europe without these imposts, is the EU restricting trade with Australia by imposing these bogus rules?

Regards, Mick
Some months ago I sent 4 flasks to Europe from Australia. Cost of flasks $1000Aus + $600Aus for pre export quarantine/inspections + $121Aus for postage.

If other countries can send plants/flasks to Europe without these imposts, is the EU restricting trade with Australia by imposing these bogus rules?

Is this really a serious question? Think how much orchid business is being done in countries with questionable enforcement policies!! Growers in countries with enforcement (to the point of stupidity) barely stand a chance. :mad:
What I heard is that europe changes now the law, and imports form asia need another treatment on top for fungus, So it is getting more crazy.

Some imports have luck other not.

Maybe the small country with the big rocks have different laws then Europe, as it is for its own
Let us inspect and tax you to death

Some months ago I sent 4 flasks to Europe from Australia. Cost of flasks $1000Aus + $600Aus for pre export quarantine/inspections + $121Aus for postage.

Hey Mick, I can understand the cost of the quarantine and inspections - Australia is pretty nutty about this, I mean, come on, the plants are IN FLASK. It really is odd why they do that, it is like they are trying to stop the trade completely. As for the postage...that is kinda high.

So any plants sprayed with a Physan solution against fungus should be fine.

And in Australian customs, they would say, methylbromide (bromomethane) gas for the lot AND a dipping in white oil or some such. Then they have to be put in quarantine for a 3 month period. Perhaps Brett can speak to this as he imports to Australia frequently.

Think how much orchid business is being done in countries with questionable enforcement policies!! Growers in countries with enforcement (to the point of stupidity) barely stand a chance. :mad:

In this regard Eric, I can only agree with you. IMO any plant in flask should be allowed to pass with a proper inspection to see that the plants are truly flasked, not just stuffed in a bottle, and are healthy. It is remarkably stupid to regulate flasks of noninvasive species.

Sending to the US isn't so bad as long as you pack for a nuclear war. The US postal service in particular loves to smash, crash, and slash any incoming parcels regardless of content. Fascinating. If that occurred here the people involved would be out of their jobs in one day.