Nick Tanacci liquidation sale

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Wish I had $1250 & the extra room.
Just looking over his list, even if 4 people went in on a package, it would be hard to split it up fairly.
I hate that he's selling his collection. I am a little confused after reading the liquidation sale page. I understand that you get 35 choice plants but how many seedlings are included for $1250?

He list all of the cross of plants in each size and on the right it shows how many of each seedling you'll get. In the first group from out of compot you get a total of 100 seedlings. In the second group a total of 59 seedlings and in the last group it looks like around 70.
That is a lot of plants!
Also, more more money than I have,(especially right after getting back from vacation). Would love to get 1/5th of a package. So, emailed Nick yesterday and asked if he would consider splitting up a package. Told him I was not looking for the stud plants or the superstars, just lovely plants for my own enjoyment.He emailed back that he would do it if their were any packages left, and that he felt there would be others who couldn't afford a whole package. Nick is super nice!
......... I am a little confused after reading the liquidation sale page....

He list all of the cross of plants in each size and on the right it shows how many of each seedling you'll get. In the first group from out of compot you get a total of 100 seedlings. In the second group a total of 59 seedlings and in the last group it looks like around 70.
Ahh that's making sense now. The liquidation page is confusing because of the overlapping printing. The bottom line is your talking about $5/plant.
I MIGHT be able to be talked into a full share IF and only if anyone would be interested in the 100 seedlings out of compot and possible the 59 of the 2" to 4" seedlings. The problem becomes determining a far value for the split. I'm willing to listen if anyone is interested. Please don't ask me to come up with a dollar figuer but if you can, please P.M. me.
I e mailed Nick, and he said a total package would be about 250-260 plants a mix of seedlings to stud plants, some of the seedlings are larger and may be in bud.
Plants would be shipped bare root, so thats a lot of plants to have to pot up!
A one fifth share, about 50 plants for 250$ plus shipping cost, could be more managable, and we could have one person split the shipment if others are interested, let me know. I did not ask Nick about him splitting a share, but there might be better plants if a share was gotten early, rather than waiting for what is left over.
Like I infered I can put up the money but DO want at the very least the select plants. If anyone wants anything else P.M. me and I'll send Nick the money. I just don't have room for them all and am basicly interested in the larer size plants but can work with others if the price is right. What I don't want to do is put up the money and then everyone be unhappy with the crosses or plants that they receive. Or worse yet get stiffed and that can happen.
The issue you will have with splitting a package is determining a fair split on the 35 select/stud plants which are valued at $50 - $1000 each.
Gary, you are indeed correct. We won't even know what the select plants look like until they bloom. There is no way to divide them up fairly. Thats why I'm looking for someone to say I'll just take the seeedlings out of compot for this much if you are interested and someone to say I'll pay X amount for the 2-4 inch plants. I'm guessing this won't happen. I'd hate to just buy the whole package and let the little guys langwish.
If others are interested in spliting 5 ways, I will get the plants, and do the split, with each person of the 5 getting about
(20) seedlings out of compots,
(12) 2 to 4 "seedlings,
(14) 4 to 7" seedlings, some of which might be in bud,
and (7) stud plants.
As far as splitting the plants up, I can e mail the list of stud plants once they arrive, and we can go thru choosing giving the 1st choice to the first responder, 2nd to the second, etc, then 6th plant choice would go back to the 1st responder again, etc until we are done.
I am not especially interested in the tiny seedlings either, but if you figure you will get 7 stud plants and a dozen larger seedling, it still is a nice package...e mail me if interested.
One can always donate seedlings to your local orchid society, or sell them here as Candice suggested.

Also, Bob, I am not trying to hijack your post, it seems we are thinking of splitting things up differently, and it just seemed more logical to offer an alternative here rather than start a new post.
If others are interested in spliting 5 ways, I will get the plants, and do the split, with each person of the 5 getting about
(20) seedlings out of compots,
(12) 2 to 4 "seedlings,
(14) 4 to 7" seedlings, some of which might be in bud,
and (7) stud plants.
As far as splitting the plants up, I can e mail the list of stud plants once they arrive, and we can go thru choosing giving the 1st choice to the first responder, 2nd to the second, etc, then 6th plant choice would go back to the 1st responder again, etc until we are done.
I am not especially interested in the tiny seedlings either, but if you figure you will get 7 stud plants and a dozen larger seedling, it still is a nice package...e mail me if interested.
If all the stud plants are of about the same value, not problem. But what happens if you get one $1000 stud and the rest are $50. You don't have a good way to deal with that situation.
If all the stud plants are of about the same value, not problem. But what happens if you get one $1000 stud and the rest are $50. You don't have a good way to deal with that situation.

You are correct, which is why the first responder gets first choice here. At worse you would get 7 (50$) plants and a lot of seedlings for about 250$, which is still a good deal. If I don't get 4 other responders, I will probably not bother, just because its too many plants for me to find room for.
this is as bad as it gets!!! Why do we have to worry about this CITES crap? If I could, I'd order 2 sets, and live happyly ever after. I want to live in the U.S....
You are correct, which is why the first responder gets first choice here. At worse you would get 7 (50$) plants and a lot of seedlings for about 250$, which is still a good deal. If I don't get 4 other responders, I will probably not bother, just because its too many plants for me to find room for.

Since everyone would pay $250 and the first responder gets $1300 in stud plants and all others would get $350 dollars in stud plants, why would I participate if I wasn't the first responder.