If others are interested in spliting 5 ways, I will get the plants, and do the split, with each person of the 5 getting about
(20) seedlings out of compots,
(12) 2 to 4 "seedlings,
(14) 4 to 7" seedlings, some of which might be in bud,
and (7) stud plants.
As far as splitting the plants up, I can e mail the list of stud plants once they arrive, and we can go thru choosing giving the 1st choice to the first responder, 2nd to the second, etc, then 6th plant choice would go back to the 1st responder again, etc until we are done.
I am not especially interested in the tiny seedlings either, but if you figure you will get 7 stud plants and a dozen larger seedling, it still is a nice package...e mail me if interested.
One can always donate seedlings to your local orchid society, or sell them here as Candice suggested.