Nick Tanacci liquidation sale

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ya, its really not that complicated. nor is it "all sorts" of permits. just an import permit and have them sent to ag and they look at the plants upon arrival then i just go down and pick them up from there
Ohio-guy - Did you all receive your plants? If so, how do they look?!
He got them, he's torturing the rest of us! :poke:
I'm sure they're wonderful as Nick's plants always seem to be. Eric has a big task of splitting the load! Wish I was closer to Ohio, I'd come help but in the mean time, I've got my supplies ready & plants on ebay went well , so I'm getting some room!
It was a busy weekend, splitting the plants up, labeling the bags, and getting them packed appropriately.
The plants look fine, some of the out of compot seedlings are small as might be expected, but a few were also in the 2" to 4 " range too. The selection mirrored what Nick had posted on his web site with only one substitution, and the select plants were all nice and husky.
There were very few plants in bud, but who can complain at that price?
We split it 5 ways, so for each $250 share, we got about 53 plants each. The 3 paid shares were all sent out today, and I finally got to start doing some potting of my share last evening. Guess what I will be doing tonight? :wink:
I am waiting for confirmation of the 5th share, so if it falls thru, there may still be one share left.
One note to the people expecting a shipment, There were no tags for the small seedling size, so be prepared to have to label the little ones. The large seedlings all had tags, as did the select, but I can't remember now if the medium seedlings had tags or not.
Does anyone have the "RECIPE " for Nick's potting mix? he said it appeared in an orchid quarterly I think sometime last yr, but I do not have the issue, and it can't be accessed online.
Does anyone have the "RECIPE " for Nick's potting mix? he said it appeared in an orchid quarterly I think sometime last yr, but I do not have the issue, and it can't be accessed online.

I remember seeing it in Harold Koopowitz's Book and a quick search turned this up:

The 2-4 " brachys I received did not have tags.

Nick's mix was in an article in he wrote in the Oct-Dec 2009 issue of Orchid Digest.

7 parts fine fir bark
1 part #20 sand
1 part horticultural charcoal (size of fine bark)
1 part #3 perlite

Gary replied at same time!!
Don't use "play sand" which can be like sugar! It will turn your mix into cement. If you can't find "#20 sand" look for "pool filter sand".
Recieved plants from Eric(ohio-guy) yesterday, spent the afternoon potting!Thanks Eric for offering to do this, it took some time & effort!
Overall the plants were pretty nice considering Eric recieved a partially crushed box from Nick. :eek: The little plants seemed to be unscathed, of course it was the stud plants that took the brunt, I had 3 ceased leaves, so did a little snip-snip & put the dragon's blood to use! The seedlings out of compots might possibly drive me crazy but actuall they're a pretty decent size as far as leafspan goes. There's a few that just have a 'good' look about them, we'll see if my eyes are decieving me! There were 2 that had a brown spot starting at the base, so again the dragon's blood will be tested. A leuco had it's root broke off :eek: but if I'm gonna lose any that was the one seeing I have 2 mini compots of leucos from Paphiness. The root systems on the big guys always amaze me, one plant Muy Mal (ever heard of that one? I had to look it up - malip. x Double Trix) it only had one long root - it was the size of a tree trunk!
Hmmm ... now the difficulty starts ... how long will it take to decide which ones I keep and who goes?:(
Hmmm ... now the difficulty starts ... how long will it take to decide which ones I keep and who goes?:(

And how do you determine a price, especially if you sell a select plant. Here's one listed at Marriott Orchids for $1500:

John Jack ‘White Eclipse’ AM/AOS (S. Gratrix x Psyche)
A Nick Tannaci cross of exceptional size and form. ‘White Eclipse’ is an S. Gratrix hybrid and was recently awarded with a natural spread of over 9cm, dorsal width of almost 6cm, and 5cm by 5.5cm petals. One of the finest brachys anywhere!

I will add I bought a package for myself. Nick shipped it this week for weather related reasons. I started potting plants last night. They all look good with good roots. I plan on blooming all/most before parting with any, but I am not very experienced in evaluating flowers. I know what bad looks like and what good or very good looks like, but certainly not what makes a plant worth $1500 (or $1000 or $500). I guess that getting it awarded helps.
Gary, I may be wrong on this next statment but I doubt it. Before I purchased a share from Nick I had assumed (maybe incorrectly) that he really had sold all or at least most of his stud plants to another breeder. I went threw the stud plants and didn't find a single one that was a parent of any of the seedling that are also offered in the package. Now, that's not to say that there aren't some really nice ones worthy of breeding with in the select plants. I beleive only 2 of mine had clonal names and an additional one had roman numerials.

Did anyone else who got the stud plants have any that were one of the partents of any of the other seedlings in the package?
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I haven't had time to look to see if any of the stud/selects were parents of the seedlings. Once they get potted, I'll go back through and take inventory. I did get some selects with yellow tags (most had white tags) and was going to email Nick and ask what that indicated. Perhaps I'll get some more information on the studs/selects. His liquidation sale listing does say "35 mature plants chosen at random from my stud and select plant collection that are valued at $50—$1000 each"