Orchid Wiz is Back!

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I feel no urgent need to purchase this right now. I have become so use to not having OW around.
I have heard through my judging center that Alex has revived it in another attempt to sell it. He seems to have no interest in keeping it going himself.
While $250 is more then the recent prices for the older issue that went dark the end of 2022, it seems to be possibly be aimed at recouping money from 2023 and 2024.
It is supposed to be as good as the previous one, I think I am leaning towards keeping the $250 in my pocket.

As a judge I am required to have Orchid Pro.
From what I understand, he is asking way too much money. And the AOS is probably gun shy Ray after that disastrous headquarters decision years ago.

I re-read some information and Alex only is committed to keeping OW going through December 2025, unless he sells it.
And terryros, there are no updates. He claims that the updates were very expensive and drove him to shut it down in 2022.
I'm all for small businesses making money, but wouldn't selling it for less than you'd really like be better than just shutting it down and getting nothing?
Got this today:

Will there be another version of the software? Version 20 represents an attempt at finding a business model (pricing, effort and release frequency) that works for us and for our customers. If in the next few months we learn a good number of our regular customers are still with us, then yes. If not, then we will close the business at the end of next year.
Is that a one-time price or a yearly subscription? How often is it updated?

My only frustration with Orchid Wiz is that more recently awarded cultivars did not show, due to no one picking it up. It is so easy to use, I can’t even begin to say how far superior it is to Orchid Pro. Orchid Pro is slow and requires correct spelling to give you only AOS awarded plants. Orchid Wiz utilizes every orchid database, I believe, but RHS which is proprietary. Too many advantages to mention.
I even use it with a MAC (using Parallels so I can run Windows) and it’s extremely efficient. You can also put in your personal orchid collection in a special area. I’m not explaining it well because I’m tech challenged, but I can figure out this program and it’s excellent. It offers a 30 day, no obligation free trial. Give it a shot, if it’s not for you, you have nothing to lose. And I’m not connected to this in any way, except I’ve used it for a year and am excited to have an updated version.
Version 20 Follow Up​
First and foremost, a big THANK YOU for your continuous support. We decided to write this communication to address some of the questions and concerns addressed to us since our last announcement.

Is the new version 20 a scam? It is not. But don't take our word for it. We encourage you to go to our web site OrchidWiz.com and download the software by selecting the top right corner menu item Downloads -> Download Encyclopedia. You can run the software for 30 days at no cost before needing to activate. So you have plenty of time to try the new version without paying.

Once you decide to purchase, please give us at least a week to enable the activations. Do not wait until the last minute to purchase. (This week only we have a 24 hour turn around time due to the large volume of sales.)

Do you still allow activation on two computers? YES.

Who is doing OrchidWiz now? Did another party take over? No, it's still just us, Alex and Marianna, albeit no longer working full time (this week is an exception). We are still hopeful to pass the torch to someone else in the future. In the meanwhile, we will keep OrchidWiz going for as long as we can.

Will there be updates to this version? No, we did away with all quarterly updates. We no longer have the time to put them together.

What is the cost of the software? The software starts at US $250 for a downloaded upgrade (which applies to almost everyone reading this) or US $350 for a new customer downloading. There is no difference between the upgrade and a new license, only the price.

International customers: Those accessing the site from outside the USA are seeing the exchange rate already reflected in the price of the software. This is confusing, we know. It's not our doing.

As a prior customer, do I need to have an older version of the software installed before installing the upgrade? No, version 20 is fully self contained.

Upgraded licenses can be transferred. If you are no longer using OrchidWiz, consider gifting your license to a student judge or new orchid aficionado in your region who does not yet have the software. That person can purchase an upgrade for $250 instead of paying the regular $350 for a new license. We will update our records to reflect the new owner of the license.

Will there be another version of the software? Version 20 represents an attempt at finding a business model (pricing, effort and release frequency) that works for us and for our customers. If in the next few months we learn a good number of our regular customers are still with us, then yes. If not, then we will close the business at the end of next year.

For how long will you support version 20? If it turns out version 20 is our last release, then support for versions 20, X9 and X8 will cease January 1, 2026. Versions prior to X8 are no longer supported.

Are you offering discounts? No, we did away with discounts. All our customers are an important part of the orchid-growing ecosystem. Judges, orchid hobbyists, societies, non-profits, photo contributors, hybridizers, students, experts, seniors... all deserve the lowest price. Why lower the price for some at the expense of others?

Do you offer free licenses to certain people? In past versions, the number of people getting free licenses (photographers, judging systems, etc.) grew to over 10% of our user base and became untenable. With version 20, we are doing away with all but a handful. We simply can't afford it.

Final thoughts: With version 20 we are fully embracing the fact that OrchidWiz is a niche product and will never be mainstream software. Each of our customers is just as special in the orchid world as every other customer.

There is no point in running huge promotions, developing cheap versions of the software, or offering big discounts. The average hobby grower with a few orchids at home they bought from the local grocery store will never buy OrchidWiz, even if it costs them $50 a license. That is the sad reality.

If OrchidWiz is still going, it's only because of your individual support. We thank you.

As always, if you have questions, don't hesitate to email us at [email protected].

The team at OrchidWiz​
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For me, the key factor is the lack of AOS award images in the Orchid Wiz.
Flower count is there, size is there, description but no images.
During the last few years I was thinking of doing away with the OW anyway. I was always having to use both programs, the Wiz being quicker with looking up hybrids for example. But without those images, we were always handicapped.

Orchid Pro is updated automatically. Awards only a few weeks to a month old show up. It has come a long way.
for those that have the last version and aren't sure how to read through all the conversation to see what this version actually has....

you can download it and run it for free for 30 days... test drive is always better than just conversation (for me at least)
I just installed mine. Same format and appearance. Works like a charm. When the instructions say it'll sit for 10 minutes or so before loading, that's right. After that you're golden.