Orchids 2024

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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malipoense in nature has very cold and dry conditions during autumn and winter, the buds keep like time stopped, so when spring comes and temperature rise they develope and open. That ist the main problem to grow and flower malipoense in western Europe, we very often noticed browning and dying buds in winter here
Here is a first bloom Paph stonei 'TN Queen' x self. There are 3 open flowers, but there is a fourth bud that will open later.

I grew this from a 2cm plantlet out of flask18 YEARS AGO. There were many cultural bumps and bruises along the way, but I am happy to finally see it in bloom!

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Here is its next biggest sib. This one has nice glossy leaves, and is also getting ready to spike at the next opportunity.
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Last post for the year. This is from an Orchid Inn flask of leucochilum 'Koi' x 'Darkest Night'. It is the first plant blooming in the compot.

Still has some opening to do, but it is a beautiful, thick waxy flower. There is only the faintest spot of color on an otherwise unblemished lip.

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leuco 2024 2 - Copy.jpg
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Nice! I have a couple from that cross and some of Sam’s other sib crosses. Hoping to get one good enough to hybridize with

When he had a bunch of leuco flasks a few years ago I was thinking about getting a couple but just got this one flask. Super happy so far with this first flower. Will see how much it opens in the next week or so.
When he had a bunch of leuco flasks a few years ago I was thinking about getting a couple but just got this one flask. Super happy so far with this first flower. Will see how much it opens in the next week or so.
I was glad to get them as the nice brachy species are getting harder to find. I don’t have a problem growing them indoors with my other paphs but always above 60F. Hope petals flatten out only time will tell. Classic leuco color though
Justin, you got one spot on the pouch🤣 I have 3 leucos, one from Taiwan, one from Thailand, and one from OI. The one from Taiwan has a few spots on the pouch and I am pretty sure the one from Thailand will have spots too. The only one that "may" have a pure white pouch is the one from the OI breed...
Starting fresh from my 2023 thread...

Lots of good things coming into bud and bloom now, lots of lowii, roths, etc.

Based on feedback from forum members last year, I made some changes including greatly increasing my feeding frequency. I am now feeding a 1/4 tsp of 30-10-10 at almost every watering (2x weekly). In the past I was very lazy about feeding, maybe twice a month. This year I am seeing a huge difference with increased plant growth, clumping plants with multiple spikes, higher flower count, and best of all, nearly 100% reduction in browning/dying back leaf tips on my roths. It has made a huge difference.

Anyway, on with the show.

Paph Salty 'Val' HCC/AOS. Probably the best I've ever bloomed it. The green will fade and flowers will turn completely white soon.
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Paph Jack Tonkin 'Val's Choice' AM/AOS. Also looking good this year and on its way to white.
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Paph haynaldianum, this clone is believed to be the wild type species from an old Ray Rands import. Compact plant. Very lighty purple-infused flowers--lovely!
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And now some line-bred haynaldianums, 'High Color' x 'Ron' from an Orchid Inn flask. I have a bunch of these plants which have been spiking for several years, and the plants are starting to get quite large.

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All stellar. The possible Ray Rands is something special.

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