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Ordering plants from Taiwan?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2008
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Anybody ordering plants/flasks from Taiwan? I want to join into the group purchase?
Do you consider pre-ordering? A couple of the Taiwan growers come to the US for orchid show. A lot of big shows are in the spring (I'm assuming that you are in the US), but there are some in the Fall. You can pre-order from them. Even if you don't go to the show, some of them will ship the plants to you after they bring them into the US, and you just pay for the shipping cost within the US. Last year, I got from Ten Shin Gardens (easy to communicate with, and I recommend them) in this way, and this year I got plants from Floralia (Brazil, I'm pretty satisfied with quality/price) and I'll receive some from Ten-Shin next week.
I'm in Los Angeles. I'm looking for mostly Parvis and Coryos (Multi floral). Which Taiwan growers come to the US shows?
Tenshen is the one that comes most often. On there list they have 3 sizes with A being the smallest. Naturally, they are offering mostly A size which are very small. When they have the larger size or the A size with good breeding the price really and I mean really jumps up. Ching Hua is the other one that just came to Redlands but I don't know if they do pre-orders or anything about the quality or size of their plants.
I'm in Los Angeles. I'm looking for mostly Parvis and Coryos (Multi floral). Which Taiwan growers come to the US shows?

For Redland International Orchid Festival of 2013, there were following growers from Taiwan:

Joseph Wu Orchids, www.joyorchids.com.tw, [email protected]
Yih Cheng Orchids, http://www.yihcheng.com/main.php?lang=en
Ten Shin Gardens
Ching Hua Orchids, http://www.chinghuaorchids.com.tw/
Taida Orchids, www.taidaorchids.com.tw, [email protected]

I didn't get any reply from Joseph Wu. Communication with Yih Chen was a bit difficult. I didn't contact Ching Hua, and Taida (looked like more hybrid oriented).

Hengduan is not in Taiwan, but they have Parvi and comes to the US 1-2 times a year. http://hengduanbiotech.com
I pre-ordered phals from Yih Cheng and the communication was very and I mean very hard. They did bring all of my order except for a flask that they forgot to Redlands. However, no matter how hard I tried I didn't feel comfortable that they would mail them to me, so luckily I had a night in shining armor pick them up and mail them on to me. I must say I was very happy with the quality of the plants.