Well-Known Member
Wider is better than taller. But you must adapt the watering procedure to account for the media depth.
In a deep pot there will be a horizontal zone or layer that is the best root area depending on how and when water is applied.
Also with deep pots there is an effect of gravity where the plant must lift the water higher to reach the leaf tips. It takes energy to raise water upward.
Gary...Excellent orchid growing observations and culture. Hats off!
Lance...Plants do not ''lift'' water. The water is taken up via capillery action. As water is transpired from the leaf, so more is drawn up to replace it. That's how a redwood can get water 300 feet high. The plants do none of the work and use zero energy for water uptake. They use a little energy to hold the 5% they use and the rest goes right through.
As for deep vs wide, I know a nurseryman who swares he gets much better growth in Paphs with deep pots. Yet I have seen fantastic growth with a very shallow ''container''...namely the floor of my g/house. 1 brick deep and 1 metre wide. I think what's important is the root can freely travel in a straight line-as you mentioned- and this somehow boosts the plant response