paph Angela

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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U cannot imagine how busy I am!
Last week and weekend schedule:
Work Monday - Thursday [Model rr club show prep Tues night - 11PM, practice weds night 7PM-Midnight]
Take off Friday to do rr show prep 3PM-saturday 8pm!
go home sat night, return to rr show prep Sunday noon till Monday 5AM-back to work...
The week before was tournament prep, we stalemated 2/3 games in finals and only got 3rd place! :mad:
Tough life Eric:poke:

Just a quick update on the three Paph. Angela plants that I recently purchased from Krull-Smith. Here's the first one:


The second one here has the largest flowers:


The third one has the best shape in my opinion:


Best Regards,
They're beautiful!! The third one you can really see the fairrieanum! They are gorgeous!

BTW- my little second bud has flipped over! Cool process!:)
Are the flowers completely open?? Jean
The first one is very cupped, but I don't think it will open any further. The second one isn't very flat, but again, it's about as open as it's gonna get. The third one is open and the flattest of the three. It's also my favorite one. :)
Nik, they are very nice. I can see why you would prefer the third one but I find that there's something about the second one that's very appealing to me. The more delicate colour, perhaps. Still, great blooms!
Beautiful flowers! Another thing, there's an amazing resemblance between Paph. Angela and Cyp. Irene:


  • Irene.jpg
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Actually, the first one would look the best if it were fully open. Maybe on the next bloom....does it have a 2nd bud? Eric

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