Well-Known Member
I've not posted frequently if at all in the last month and will probably not be around too much in the direct future. I won't bore anyone with the awful details, but suffice to say my life is rather complicated at the moment. Hopefully, I'll be around more in the next few months. But I thought I'd pop in a photo of one of my first bloom armemiacums that I bought as a small seedling from Sherwood Orchids when they were closing down. It's been in a chc/perlite mix for 7 months. Before that it had been growing in s/h. I don't do anything special with it, or treat it differently. It does get some crushed oyster shell when I give it to the other CA loving paphs and it gets the same temps, light and fertilizer as all my paphs. Although I'd venture to say this is a pretty average one, I do like the sunny color.