Just got an AQ on this cross. Two plants were awarded AM's, one aureum and one coloratum. This is a cell phone picture from one of the judges. I will try to post pictures when I get them back this weekend.
Second from the right is Paph barbigerum fma. aureum 'Deerwood Triple Play' AM/AOS. It is a first bloom seedling with three flowers. The shading makes the pouches look dark, but they are actually green/yellow.
Awesome, Ross!!! A great compliment for any hybridizer! From the fish net, looks like they went on a trip to Chicago? They put up netting around the educational center at the Chi Botanic Garden to keep birds from craching into the glass.
:drool::drool: Congrats!!:clap::clap: I saw them! They were as cute as can be! They were all set up, the photographer was almost ready, and then it came as no surprise when I saw who's name was on the paperwork!
Thanks for all the nice comments. I was going to take my own photos before I packed them, but I was running out of time on Thursday. I needed to get them down to south Minneapolis by 7:30 PM so they could fly out the next day. Many thanks to Karen M., who brought them to Chicago for me.