Paph concolor - two forms for comparison.

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Two different flowers of concolor for comparison.


This is a very dark color form from NE Thailand. I decided to call her "Orangina" in view of the dark colour. It is very near to towards orange color.


This is the usual concolor that I have seen.


The two flowers for comparison.
Whereas the second one has a very nice shape and normal concolor color, the first one's coloring is really outstanding!!!! Jean
The first one would be great for breeding. Hopefully it would pass its color traits onto its offspring.

central NJ
I find both flowers beautiful but the pale one is more appealing to me. It just looks better overall.
Whereas the second one has a very nice shape and normal concolor color, the first one's coloring is really outstanding!!!! Jean

I too like the yellow one a little bit more
I want the first one

If I ever manage to get hold of one I shall name it:

Paph. concolor "Banana Peal" :D
I'll trough in a third!, she got pollinated last week...


and this:
is concolor too, about 4-5 years from flower!:D:poke:
Well,....that's how this game starts, and I do love it too! For me it's 2 different kettle of fish, growing plants, and the lab-work. If I'd be considering it one, I'd need 47 hours in a day.
Acually, there really isn't any time left for work, so what do I do?