Paph Conestoga Hybrid (philippinense x concolor)

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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2009
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Unusual shape, but nice unusual! The eye is directed by the generous petals and dorsal all marked with sanguine dots arranged in graceful streams toward the delicate green veining overlaying a custard yellow staminode, interestingly framed by a halo of red bristles. The solid/uniform yellow pouch is like a deep relaxed breath after the visual roller coaster of the rest of the bloom. Wow!
When brachy x multi are good, they provide a visual feast! I love it.
Unusual shape, but nice unusual! The eye is directed by the generous petals and dorsal all marked with sanguine dots arranged in graceful streams toward the delicate green veining overlaying a custard yellow staminode, interestingly framed by a halo of red bristles. The solid/uniform yellow pouch is like a deep relaxed breath after the visual roller coaster of the rest of the bloom. Wow!
When brachy x multi are good, they provide a visual feast! I love it.

My word Trithor that is one hell of a description----but I liked it!!!!

Conestoga can be quite nice, or a real dog, not much in between. This one is high in the first category. The yellow lip without markings is a fairly common outcome, but this is particularly bright. The spotting of the petals is unusually clean and even. This is why brachy x multi crosses are worth trying, even if you do sometimes get results like troy's stonei x niveum.
I really like that. Similar bi-tonal coloration as you sometimes see in emersonii hybrids. This is an interesting breeding line, and I'm glad to see some of the breeders are figuring out how to harness phillipinense's wonderful lip coloration.
After 4-7 years from time of germination and tlc and the weeding out of all the bad bloomers congrats, I hope my paph oklahoma blooms out as nice as yur conestoga
I'm less than 3 years growing, I joined this site to leave the growers alone, fred clarke, alan kotch, and marilyn.... lol.. they referred me to this site, because I'm an orchid addict