A new FCC was crowned at the recent National Capital Orchid Society show held Columbus Day weekend! Hadley Cash at Marriott Orchids showed Paph. Dragon Lord 'Winged Warrior' (Rolfei x bellatulum) and it earned a 91 pt. FCC, his second.
He told me this one was particularly special since he was the breeder.
BTW, you can view complete judging results of the show at www.plantregistration.com. Select 'Award Summaries' at the top, select an exhibitor then view the results! All of the plant registration for the show was done online with nearly all plants registered prior to show setup! Let me know if you have questions.
He told me this one was particularly special since he was the breeder.
BTW, you can view complete judging results of the show at www.plantregistration.com. Select 'Award Summaries' at the top, select an exhibitor then view the results! All of the plant registration for the show was done online with nearly all plants registered prior to show setup! Let me know if you have questions.