paph emersonii x hangianum

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Sorry,too late Contact
Yes, the plant Growth is very slow.
And ,I 'm very lucky only two plant I got one.
But Another one not so good.
Thanks everybody
I bought some emersonii x hangianum from HMT when they were at the POE, but they are years away from blooming. I also sold some of the compots to fellow Slippertalk members via eBay. I believe these have all of the documentation needed to qualify as fully legal. Mike
"Are any paphs legal over there!?"
Any species and their hybrids that were present in the US as of 1990, when the current CITES rules took effect. The thing is, varieties of legal species that were discovered post-1990 are basically legal, even though technically, they shouldn't have been, such as the rediscovered delanatii's. It's also been used as a cover for selling species that conceivably could have been varieties of legal species. For example, helenae would be sold as "barbigerum v. helenae", and rhizomatosum/vejvarutianum would be sold as varities of barbigerum, or simply barbigerum. But...once there is a foot in the door, and there is a legal source for the plant, as in the case of Antec's rescued vietnamense and helenae, then in a little bit of time those species become available and are assumed as "legal" (although technically they should trace back to Antec). Now that HD's hangs, etc, are fully legal in the US, it won't be much longer before these species and their hybrids get openly sold without consequence...even though not all will trace back to HD.