Yes,I can recognize the leave of the beautifull Calanthe seiboldii of Franz glanz.Unfortunately from the picture,is difficult to understand the crazy measurements of the flower...nearly doubble size than a normal one.
These sorts of discussions are frustrating because so many knowledgable people hold such disparate opinions. For me, its enough to know that there's some sort of question about the background of 'Taka'. Doesn't detract from the flower.
Maybe I should start collecting ignoble orchids and displaying them just for their checkered pasts. Phrag sedenii 'Westonbirt', C loddigessia 'Streeter's Choice', C walkeriana 'Pendentive' and 'Kenny'. Terry Root's spicerianums, Paph esqueroli Taka, hmmm I could come up with quite a nice collection that way...
Don't forget Phrag. schlimii 'Wilcox'oke:
....Unfortunately from the picture,is difficult to understand the crazy measurements of the flower...nearly doubble size than a normal one.
So I think I got lost somewhere along the way...
The actual plant awarded as 'Taka' was a real, likely polyploid, esq, but someone then made a mass-produced hybrid that looked like a monster esq, so they marketed it as 'Taka'??? It just get this impression because it seems like it's a widespread "clone" (ie different plants/clones of a consistent look-a-like complex hybrid in this case)
Or are we arguing that the awarded 'Taka' itself is an (esq. X complex) hybrid?