Paph. farrieanum

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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A first bloom seedling that I got from SVO. 2 growths with 2 inflorescences. Been open since November 3rd and still looks pretty good.

Took it for judging when it had first opened. Color and form were noted as being very nice but it was a bit smaller than recently awarded clones. I figure a bit more growth and maturity and it may be an awardable plant.
I love this species but I just cannot seem to keep them alive. Funny though, i have several plants that are primary crosses to the Maudiae group and also a couple of Paph. Angela's (farrieanum x niveum) that I find quite easy to grow!
This is a beautiful clone. Congrats!

Too bad about being turned down at the judging. I'm surprised that it was a size issue that prevented it from being pointed. Isn't size supposed to be just 10% of the total point score for a Paph? ....And if so, then in theory, you could submit a Paph fairrieanum with a 100% perfectly formed and coloured flower with a NS of just 1" and it should still get a 90 point FCC! So, if everything else was superior, why wouldn't they point this one, even if it was "a bit smaller than recently awarded clones"?
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