Paph gratrixianum

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Madd Virologist
Sep 16, 2007
Reaction score
Pearland TX
I just picked this beauty up from Orchidsnw (seller) from Ebay! Haven't got it in my hands yet but here is her PICs

I think so too Faan. In my past history with this species I've had very poor luck!
I'm hoping with a mature ,multigrowth plant I'll have a better chance of figuring it out.

I pre-ordered one of the super dark villosums from Perner, to be delivered when he arrives here in Feb!
Intensely colored, and healthy looking.

I've been through a handful of these in the past myself.

I have a handful of seedlings (I think I gave you one) that really took to basket culture. Even the ones I left potted in CHC really took off when I started managing for low pot EC, so it seems they really like low TDS conditions at the roots.
Very nice plant and splendid flower! How are the roots? Because it is often a problem with plants bought on e-Bay
That dorsal is a knockout. Super intense colour. You shouldn't have too much trouble growing this one, especially as it is a lrger plant. I consider it the easiest Paph species of all to grow.
i was drooling over that pic on ebay these gratrix with the purple dorsals!!! nice buy.

Intensely colored, and healthy looking.

I've been through a handful of these in the past myself.

I have a handful of seedlings (I think I gave you one) that really took to basket culture. Even the ones I left potted in CHC really took off when I started managing for low pot EC, so it seems they really like low TDS conditions at the roots.
I'm tuned into the low EC Rick! I hope it helps

Very nice plant and splendid flower! How are the roots? Because it is often a problem with plants bought on e-Bay
I'll have to let you know...not in hand yet.

That dorsal is a knockout. Super intense colour. You shouldn't have too much trouble growing this one, especially as it is a lrger plant. I consider it the easiest Paph species of all to grow.

I've heard that easy statment before,:( But with the K-lite and the low EC I hope to be on the fast track.
I've heard that easy statment before,:( But with the K-lite and the low EC I hope to be on the fast track.

I hope so too Rick.

Before they were kind of a boom and bust plant. I have a few small pieces of one of my original plants that slowly but surely is getting better. But it makes a difference starting off fresh.
That's an extraordinary gratrix - intense colouration of the flower, compact size of the leaves and huge size of the flower compared to the size of the leaves, altogether a great aquisition !
I have the same plant bought about eight months ago from the same
source. It has bloomed and is a real beauty with a very nice root system.
Mine has a few more fans than the one in the picture. It grows well and
quite fast. You're gonna love it.

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