Paph Guess Who?

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I certainly have no hard feelings toward Candace or anyone else. I was merely reacting to two things. First that it was a not a good orchid as expressed in the following comments: "It's not worh (sic) the bench space at all" and "Sorry Candace, you've got yourself a dud" and second the comment "New folks don't care about names that much" which I do not think is true.

If I purchase a species plant, let’s say a gratrixianum, then I expect the plant to be a gratrixianum. If I purchase a cross that has previously bloomed then I expect, within certain limits, that the plant will bloom out as the cross has been blooming. If I purchase a cross that has not previously bloomed then I know I am taking a chance that the flower will be a total disappointment. If I buy a plant from the lumberyard then I know I am buying a pot plant and am buying it totally just because I like its looks.

I, and I suspect most people, grow orchids because it is a satisfying hobby not because I expect to win an award or breed amazing orchids. I will probably never even take my orchids to a show and I certainly will not while I am still working. However I do care about the quality of the orchids I buy for, even if I do not show the plant, I want to strive to grow good plants and to grow them well. I also think this is true of most hobby orchid growers. Besides the cost of the orchids themselves, I have spent well over a thousand dollars building and equipping my light stand. Why, because I want to grow my orchids as best I can.

So, that was where I was coming from, and I was reacting to what seemed to be a caviler attitude toward passing off a poor quality plant to some unsuspecting "new folk." It appears, however, that it was just "inside joke" talk and that I owe Candace an apology.

Candace I apologize.
$10 for an in-bloom multifloral paph is a great price, even if its a noid and less than perfect....I might have even considered it myself if I saw it in a store at that price. There was nothing wrong with that paph for someone who wasn't expecting something better. It just isn't what it was supposed to be...and for someone who isn't aware of that, or who cares about that, its a perfectly decent paph. Take care, Eric

Ditto !! Well said Eric !!
Oh, no apology needed. I do agree names are very important for a variety of reasons. But I do know that in the 2 societies I'm active in there are a lot of growers(and I shouldn't exclude some longer time growers) that don't care all that much about labels and parentage. They aren't into breeding and aren't into entering plants for awards. Everyone was aware, that is was a no id. Though, one AOS judge there also agreed it looked to be a Transvaal. A friend of mine ended up with it and it really was a steal for $10 considering it was over 7 growths.

My feelings weren't hurt a bit by the honest commentary. I prefer it and usually state my mind as well. For me, because I am in the early stages of hybridizing and do care about the labels, the plant wasn't worth the bench space. But, I think there are certainly places for noname plants. They make great practice plants and are good gifts to those you wouldn't necessarily trust with anything else:>

But, it was a kind of sad night, overall. The auction did very poorly and hardly anyone showed. Hence the almost free plants:< The plants were going for only a few dollars. A large proportion of my 2 local socities are retired and the current economy and stock/retirement losses have really hurt extra spending in general. So folks either didn't show or set a low, low budget.

I'm glad I went. I donated probably 10 plants and at the last fundraiser I donated maybe 15 so I freed up some bench space.

I came home with a Paph. Julius x druryii n.b.s seedling, an alba bletilla striata, a denrochillum uncatum and a phrag. Schroderae 'Bolin' HCC in bud. I paid a whole $25 for all 4 plants total. I was very surprised I was the only $5 bid for the Schroderae...but that just shows you how slow the night was.

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