Oh my god, I want it. I have 2 of these that haven't bloomed yet, probably because they arrived to me with almost no roots. I am still hopeful one or both will bloom this spring. The foliage on yours looks "chunkier" than my plant.
It's a 3.5 inch pot. 4 growths. Overall height, the bottom of the pot to top bud, is 17.5 inches. Very compact and reasonably sized plant that reliably blooms at this time of year for me.
Botanically it is correct to call it philippinense, but for horticultural purposes the name laevigatum serves as a short hand for the particular flower type of philippinense. Lavigatum is not a valid scientific name, but it is a useful short hand for horticultural purposes. The correct scientific name is Paph philippinense with no variety or other modifiers added. This is a social horticultural forum, so rigid scientific accuracy is not required, lavigatum is a useful way to describe this type of flower.
(see Rick, I have evolved, a little)