Paph. lawrenceanum

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Thanks, its straight but slightly leaning because its following my lighting. But its holding up on its own.
Lovely flower and its really towering over the plant. I wasn't aware that lawrenceanum could have the warts all over the petals, not just along the rim. Interesting.
Nice, interesting lawrenceanum. The dorsal does not look fully expanded yet, if it is, the plant has a small dorsal for lawrenceanum. The color is really good, almost too good, the distribution of color being a lot like the "flame" pattern of some vinicolors type breeding. The spotting is not typical, usually spots only on petal edges, but the tall stem and leaf patterns look pretty much right.

Without seeing the plant in person, my comments that follow are more speculation than not, so I am not recommending you change your tags based on my comments. Rather I suggest you investigate what you can of the provenance of your plant. I am not certain it is pure lawrenceanum, possibly it could be Alma Gevaert (lawrencianum x Maudiae), or Eleanor Rozilla (Alma Gevaert x lawrenceanum), but since neither hybrid in the coloratum form is very common in North America anymore, those two suggestions might not be right. It could be a coloratum form of (Macabre x lawrenceanum) or some other Maudiae type hybrid like Hsinying Larry (lawrenceanum x Ruby Leopard) with some sukhakulii and or some callosum 'Jac type' vinicolor in it. If it is a hybrid it strongly favors the lawrenceanum parent.

But I am not certain. Species do have natural inherent variability. Your plant is not far out enough to be certain it is not the species. If you are not using it as a seed parent for hybrids, I wouldn't worry too much, and just show it as lawrenceanum. If you were using it as part of a "gene bank" ex situ conservation program, I would hesitate to use it as a breeding parent for more of the 'true' species, Paph lawrenceanum.

But did I say it is an attractive flower, nicely grown and beautifully photographed? Good growing on your part. Thanks for sharing a thought provoking plant.
Thank for your input Leo. This is from a flask that came from Taiwan Incharm or Hung Sheng. I can't exactly recall what the grower told me.

It might spread out and even reflex as the bloom gets older. Its been opened for only a week when I took the photo. I usually wait for the ovary to "tilt" up to take photos.

As for the spots, interesting observation. I have always thought that the spots randomly pops out on the petals.

Ooii Orchids in Malaysia have a photo of lawrenceanum

and another from a fellow ST

Again, thanks for the comments. I enjoy this kinds of discussion.
Difficult to comment on. There is (and has been) a group that believe that callosum/lawrenceanum and barbatum are part of a complex and that the three identifiable species would occupy the apices of the triangle, but that there are a lot of intermediate forms or natural hybrids. My gut feel is that if that is the case, this falls more on the leg between lawrenceanum and barbatum (Almum?) than a pure lawrenceanum. In fact I think it carries more features of barbatum than lawrenceanum. It is the shape that seems off, as well as the dorsal form, and then as Leo has pointed out (among others), the spotting is not typical.
(Hell, don't you just hate it when that happens? Makes for interesting discussion, but is very frustrating!) In the 80s I collected some plants which I was assured were lawrenceanum by a local plant collector on the southern tip of the Malay peninsula. The plants were not in bloom at the time, but when they flowered later back home, I was convinced they were barbatum. I cannot find any pictures to back up my memory of the blooms (old celluloid days, tons of negatives and transparencies in old shoe boxes!).
Thanks Gary, Indeed the shape looks like barbatum but the leaves like lawrenceanum. I guess we'll never know what it is truly :)
Nice lawrenceanum... The leaf mottling of barbatum and lawrenceanum are quite distinctive. Lawrenceanum has a strong checkerboard pattern of green on yellowish background. Barbatum leaf size and mottling are very variable depending on locality, colony and even between individual plants in a single colony.
I don't think it's lawrenceanum.

Here are two pics from last year flowering, one of the best lawrenceanum I've seen:
Thanks for the photos..

I saw this photo from Hung Sheng (where the flask originates)

It seems like the spots are random in the petals as well and it does look like my clone.
