paph Lippewunder X Lippewunder

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purchased a few weeks ago, and it opend the croos is from Dürbusch,
hope it will fully open when I am back from US.
Maybee the next flower will get better.

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I'm afraid that's the best you're going to get from this flowering. Hopefully on the next blooming it will settle down.
Hopefully the next blooming wont be deformed like this one. Looks like it has a nice rich base colour though so that is an aspect to be thankful for.
Thanks to all hope so too.
The next flower is growing strong and fast.

Will post if this one will be better
i would be interested to hear your opinions of whether or not a high degree of malformed flowers is the result of inbreeding depression / weird allelic combinations following 4-5-6 generations of sib-crossing of this grex for cut flower production...any opinions out there? I have seedlings in the lab of f3 Valerie this what I should expect?
A friend baught th other one the seller had.
The leafs was not the best at this plant, but his flower is great.
He has no camera so I wil see if I can take a picture when i am back from US
If you haven't done so yet, cut the poor thing off. Don't waste the plant's energy on that flower. But I do like the colouring.
i would be interested to hear your opinions of whether or not a high degree of malformed flowers is the result of inbreeding depression / weird allelic combinations following 4-5-6 generations of sib-crossing of this grex for cut flower production...any opinions out there? I have seedlings in the lab of f3 Valerie this what I should expect?

Tinh,i think that in many cases the high degree of malformed flowers is due to imnbreeding depression.Depends particularly also by the origin of the parent plants.In case of this Lipperwunder,probably the original parents came from the same line breeding(same original flask probably,many generations ago) and so the inbreeding depression is strong.Best will be find a Lipperwunder that comes from a different linebreeding to give new fresh genetic material.
So also for your Valerie Tonkin,did the parents you used are always comeing from the same batch?
How are you growing this plant? Is it in a draft? Was it moved while the bud was developing? I am reluctant to jump to the "inbreeding depression" hypothesis. Most of these plants are polyploid to begin with so I find it difficult to believe that bad alleles can accumulate so fast. Both parents were probably outstanding plants and were selected for good shape as all their ancestors had been. To my mind, with all this selection for good form, bad-form genes must already be quite rare in these plants.
In my experience, this kind of mess just goes with the territory when growing complex paphs. Some plants in a cross will be superb, some OK, and some will be hideous abominations. The lesser the complexity, the lesser the chances of monsters. A simple near primary Maudiae-type cross will produce some great ones, some average ones, but very few monstrosities. Also, I think some species in the mix are more likely to introduce deformities. Once you put in brachy genes, you have the possibility of excellence, but also the possibility of monstrousness.
Wanted to give an upadate

It starts flowering again, but this year only one bloom show up till now.

I am glad I keept it now the flowers starts good will post again if it is fully opened.

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