John M
Orchid Addict
I could use the pollen on something.....any suggestions?
Ain't nothin' nicer than a good, well coloured Michael Koopowitz!!! 'Got a really nice philippinense in bloom?:clap:
I could use the pollen on something.....any suggestions?
Sounds about right. Stonei is difficult to bloom (for me, anyway) so I don't really know how many growths it needs before it will bloom.Both are great suggestions John and Dot. I do have a roebelenii type that should bloom this spring. The petals on it where 9 inches if I remember right. Dot I do have a stonei big enough to bloom but hasn't yet, two fans at 30+ inches with more starts on the side. Blooming size, right?
I have praestans, roth and haynaldianum coming up. Chi Hua Dancer, Kolosands, Temptation, St, Swithin, Mt Toro, Wossener's Kolorand and a Bel Royale opening or about to pop. A cross onto Gloria Naugle might be a little weird. Any of these sound exciting?
Crossed back to one of your MK's could be nice. Nice colour in both and it will increase the petal length. Long time to bloom though.
That's good idea as well David. Especially the "redhead" clone