Paph Wrigleyi

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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2008
Reaction score
Canberra, Australia
An average flower but it survives the compost heap because of its vigour and floriferousness. The plant isn't that big given the number of flowers.

Paph Wrigleyi (charlseworthii x villosum)

"vigour and floriferousness" beats "a stunning flower every couple of years if you get the culture just right" in my opinion. It sure looks great! Hooray for primary hybrids.

As a lover of specimen plants I agree with you. I neglected this plant for years. The first time I flowered it I thought yuck. Too much villosum as Reivlos said. From then on I just grew it under a bench and didn't give it much love. It flowered every year still. Last year it had 5 flowers but I never staked it so they were poorly presented. Still I was impressed how it looked when it had a few flowers on it. It looked nice as a specimen. So this year I made more of an effort.

Nice display of flowers. Wrigleyi was registered in 1902, according to OrchidWiz. Would you know is this a remake or possibly from the original cross?

I don't know for sure Ross but I would say it is a remake. I'll try and find out from the person I bought it off. I paid $5 for it and it was a multiple growth plant too.