Just my opinion ,
1) if you have a facility in Vietnam which could do flasking in Vietnam then by all means do it there.
If you don't have the facility to germinate them, what you could do is:
2) get some soil/moss near the plants in the wild as the substrate to germinate them (there will likely be some fungus in this soil that symbiotic and compatible with paph canhii and will grow into the seeds thus provide them nutrition source , this is how peoples do it in the past before artificial flasking comes onto the scene (but this approach will not yield any more plants than nature, which is only a few plants out of thousands of seeds)
3) send the seed pods to as many peoples as you can around the world, thus ensure the survival of diversity of the gene pool , once this species become common in cultivation , the profit temptation from harvest the wild plants should abate (although inside the country, peoples still collect wild plants that offered by minority highlanders, since it is not illegal , and gods know how many of those wild plants would survive more than a year with peoples who just buy them for the flowers to decorate the room for one season ) that is the reason to send the seeds around the world , perhaps those who do the flaskings can send some flasks back to you , you then grow the seedlings and pass them on to other orchid growers in Vietnam to ensure the orchids with your name sake are everywhere.