A warm hello to all orchid lovers. Besides many hybrids, the following Paphiopedilum wild forms are blooming at the moment, which I would like to present here today. On the one hand this is Paph. dayanum which blooms for the first time. The Paph. sukhakulii blooms for the second time, as well as the Paph. barbatum. I hope you like the pictures.
Kind regards from Horst
Kind regards from Horst
1. Paphiopedilum dayanum.jpg254.8 KB
2. Paphiopedilum dayanum.jpg308.2 KB
1. Paphiophedilum sukhakulii.jpg246.2 KB
3. Paphiophedilum sukhakulii.jpg288.1 KB
2. Paphiophedilum sukhakulii.jpg334.5 KB
1. Paphiopedilum barbatum var. nigritum.jpg255.5 KB
2. Paphiopedilum barbatum var. nigritum.jpg336.7 KB
3. Paphiopedilum barbatum var. nigritum.jpg259.5 KB