Thanks all!
@Happypaphy7 It is from Sunset Valley Orchids. I bought it in 2016.
Ha~ I had two plants of FD from SVO bought around the same time.
They both clumped up readily. They blasted on me on their very first attempt to bloom in 2017/18. Then, finally they bloomed with two flowers in the spring of 2021.
Large pale nearly white pouch with yellow petals, overall quite chunky like yours.
They were among the best growing FD I've tried.
I still have one from Windy Hill Gardens, a good grower but blasted on me, currently in spike again.
Then, I have this other plant from unknown source that bud blasted two years ago, and yes, in spike again.
My biggest pain is these, closely followed by their parent species, a few of which I have bloomed. I just didn't like any of them.
I hope to see them in bloom this spring. or next. as long as they are nice, they'll be forgiven.