It looks as thou you got the best of both parents in the flower.
i missed that one somehow. nice!
I agree it's a nice blend of the two parents, neither of which were familiar to me until I looked them up. I don't know why they didn't sell better, perhaps they were just overlooked, if Snow's experience was typical. It's not one with "WOW" factor, of course.
Interestingly enough, both parents used in this cross were alba forms, although few, if any of the offspring were. This isn't surprising, but something else
*did* surprise me. Paramount (who I bought it from) have it on their website and they formerly mentioned some of the seedlings had bloomed out as vinis. They have, however, now
removed that last item from the text! It makes me wonder if one (or more) flasks got mixed up with flasks of this cross and the deflasked seedlings got mislabeled as hennisianum X fowliei? If so, I wonder how many such, might have been sold under the wrong name! I'm confident my plant is correctly identified, with the blend of parental characteristics, but vini seedlings from alba parents? I don't think so!