Paphiopedilum lowii

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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2010
Reaction score
Southlake, Texas
Paphiopedilum lowii

I have this for a few years now. I like its color. It's still in 3.5 inch pot. Maybe this year I will repot it and hope to see an increase in flower count. It seems to bloom consistently every year. Or maybe I need a better Paphiopedilum lowii
that will produce more flowers.


From last year 2017-03-23. 3 flowers also.


What a fine specimen you have. You should make a self cross for it. Very horizontal petals and not to mention its excellent colors.
I don't think you're going to find one with much better color. How many growths is it? I wouldn't suspect many if it's still in a 3.5" pot. You'll probably get more flowers once the plant is larger. Very nice!
I got this plant from Spring Water Orchids in 2012 at Redland. There is no parentage information. I bought it in bloom, kind of neglected it. You can see last year it is a single growth so old growths probably died back. If I ever get it to have multiple growths then it should do better.
That’s a nice Lori. Nicely held petals and excellent colour. Sure more flowers would be nice but I’d still take it home. :clap: