I don't think people are having much trouble growing it as opposed to getting it not to bud blast.
They have a similar growth habit to hirsutisimum (and varieties thereof) and like it on the cooler side of intermediate temps. Fairly shady conditions. They are found in volcanic based soils or up in trees, so not big on pH's greater than neutral.
Some say that to keep the sheaths from rotting, you never get water in the axils, but many find that when the plant matures with many growths, it tends to bloom without much trouble. I have a couple of plants I bought as wee seedlings in 2002 , they are now 3 to 4 growths apiece, and have been blasting at least one bud a year for the past 3 years. This past winter was the closest to success for me with 6" of spike and bud formation before blasting. So getting closer.:sob: