Papilionanda Motes Black Star
(2701 V. Violeta x Pda. Motes Purple Haze)
First bloom seedling from Motes Orchids, Nov 2023. The two previous blooming attempts aborted, this round it managed to keep two flowers. Love the deep purple, size and shape.
Growing under lights can be difficult at times. Hopeful I can move the flower count in the right direction with better culture.
Happy Thanksgiving!

(2701 V. Violeta x Pda. Motes Purple Haze)
First bloom seedling from Motes Orchids, Nov 2023. The two previous blooming attempts aborted, this round it managed to keep two flowers. Love the deep purple, size and shape.
Growing under lights can be difficult at times. Hopeful I can move the flower count in the right direction with better culture.
Happy Thanksgiving!