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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2010
Reaction score
seattle, wa
I went off the deep end and bought four PEOY's from Dale at Austin Creek

I have never had a blooming I have four in bud

I had one flowered last year with three blooms. To my mind they are the most beautiful of all the multifloral hybrids. Youd did great buying four... I hope they all turn out as you would like them to.
Yeah, the plants are beautiful too..good ole Hawaiian growing...I hope to have at least one award quality plant
I have never bloomed a PEOY! I have grown several over the years. Have one seedling now, maybe in another 10 years it will flower :eek:

sounds like me, even had one of those mislabeled sandy's from Orchid Zone (that was a PEOY) that I never got to bloom. I have ten large seedlings and a BS plant now...but I cant wait is I went overboard
One of the PEOYS has potential as an award and compares really well to other awarded plants. At judging now, don’t expect an award because it’s a first bloom and the petal length is only 28 cm ... but we will see
I will post the award photo when I get it. I got a 78 point HCC.. and they said it will most assuredly develop into an AM
Thanks, the picture really doesn't do it justice. The judges were very tentative about scoring it because the third flower wasn't opened and they didnt think the petals had terminated their elongation. But they said that it looked nicer than a lot of awarded flowers even as they just went for it