@gego - I wonder if your culture “boosted” the reserves within the plant, allowing it to put on such a wonderful show?
Generally speaking, plants expend their chemical reserves in three ways, in this order of priority: maintenance (staying alive), carbon fixation (growth), and reproduction (blooming).
It won’t do the next one until the it has sufficient reserves for the prior one(s), and is “comfortable” that it is steadily getting the right overall culture.
In the case of many plants, having sufficient reserves isn’t enough for it to express it’s sexuality, and it needs a “trigger” to tell it to “go ahead” and expend those reserves. For some plants, it’s day length, for others a period of restricted nutrition, and for many phals, a period of temperature reduction.
If the plant is being grown well, but that “trigger” doesn’t occur, the reserves continue to be built up.
(A combination of anecdotal evidence and speculation going forward.)
In some plants, that “excess” can get diverted to additional branching and growth. In others (thinking many dendrobiums, here) it is in keiki formation. In phals, it might be keikies or simply continued growth, then the emergence of multiple spikes when that trigger is applied.
I recall and experiment an American expat living in Central America tried with phalaenopsis:
He kept his mature phals at elevated temperature for several years, which allowed them to grow and grow, adding many pairs of leaves (and reserve storage) without ever blooming. Then he applied a couple of weeks of temperature reduction, and several weeks later more than a dozen inflorescence emerged from each plant.