*heavy sigh* Just lovely. I have a young one blooming now and it's
so wonderful. Thank you Mr. Lin. LPM, have you noticed a fragrance
that seems to be prominent at certain times of the day?
Smell is subjective. I have yet to detect a scent from my Phal philippinensis but I wouldn't jump into that it's a hybrid theory.
Scent on one of my Phal amabilis is slight detectable only when condition is met.
Similarity some grower can smell Phal stuartiana but often I can't.
Bigleaf, I'm working hard on the scent subject, and I have already enough sources on Phals (and more to come) to know which is scented, which is not and the irregulars… And I'm open to new input anyway.
Btw, my nose works, at least when I need it to.
I have not implied the scented one is necessarily an hybrid, but I'm suspicious. There's enough exceptions and misidentifications around to scare a Kew taxonomist in herbarium fight mode. ^^
The scent is fleeting and not predictable as to time of day or conditions.
Seems like a very sunny day is a requirement and very high humidity...
OR it could be my imagination. I noticed today that the slight scent is
fading as the blooms age.
I took another sniff at noon today...very sunny...and the soft fragrance
is definitely there. The humidity was 90% and I'd just finished watering.
LPM, you have to stick your nose practically into the bloom. The scent
isn't very strong.