Yes is a miniature/compact plant, will uodate post with plant and all flower openI wonder if these are the alboviride forms that are miniature plants?
So beautiful and small plant!This colorform was described officially as
Paphiopedilum philippinense var. compactum f. aureoviride O. Gruss
Die Orchidee (Hamburg) 2(3)E: 3; 2016 (ISSN-Internet 2366-0643)
The Variety was described as
Paphiopedilum philippinense var. compactum O.Gruss, Roellke & Roeth
Die Orchidee 59: 318; 2008
The Variety of Palawan could not described as var. palawanense because another hybrid of Paphiopedilum get the Name Cypripedium Palawanense 1901, the Name was used for the cross betwenn dayanum and rothschildianum. The name is now a synonym of Paph. Kimballianum
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The issue with WCSP is that Kew decides what is officially acceptable through their version of standards. This version is followed by scientists and botanists as the bible.Olaf, what about KEW's Plant List? KEW says Paphiopedilum philippinense var. compactum O.Gruss, Roellke & Roeth is synonym to Paphiopedilum philippinense. See here Paphiopedilum+philippinense . According to KEW's Plant List only the variety Paphiopedilum philippinense var. roebelenii (A.H.Kent) P.J.Cribb is an accepted name. See here Paph philippinenese var. roebelenii
The issue with WCSP is that Kew decides what is officially acceptable through their version of standards. This version is followed by scientists and botanists as the bible.
However, this doesn’t mean that officially published described species, forms and varieties that are not accepted by Kew are invalid. It merely means that at that moment in time, it will be relegated as a synonym until further notice. It may take more than 3 years to make any changes to the accepted version if more irrefutable evidence of the contrary is provided.