Michael Bonda
Well-Known Member
If anyone has a BS it NBS Phrag. Albopurpeum (or a similar cross of caudatum or Grande or Dominianum x Sedenii or schlimii, I am very interested. Thank you.
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I got a division of albopurpureum 'Barbara' from Woodstream last July. He doesn't seem to answer emails. Phone is
Thank you. Please let me know. I have purchased from you previously (Schroederae which are growing very well). MichaelHonestly I _should_ have a division or two of Albopurpureum 'Sir Arthur' (I think that is the clone) - got a huge one from a friend who moved this fall. What I'm not sure about is if I still have divisions. I made them, but then a bunch of people came to my house and hoovered up most of the extras. Will check tonight for you.