Phrag besseae var. flavum no longer...

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Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score

So today I took my phrag besseae var. flavum in for judging (& I'm thrilled to have received an award) but much to my surprise the flavum variety is no longer accepted. The new variety for yellow besseaes is 'besseae var. besseae'. News to me. Any way the clone 'William James' received a 78 pt HCC/AOS. :)
Very nice, congrats on your bessae.
Interesting, because, if I remeber well ( but I will look after) original description talks about a red flower. So bessae var bessae must be a red flower.
Odd, I wonder what the red besseae is called then? Was the yellow form formerly var. flavum or was it forma flavum?
Very nice!!! Congrats!!
Here we go again, they'll always find something to screw with! It most cases it is easy to ignore them but when it comes to judging if it's not entered properly it can be turned down.
I do not know what taxonomic authority is responsible but the "accepted" name is on the kew monocot checklist. Oh, and while you are there check longifolium var album it too is Gone????
Braem's publication of flavum as a botanical variety is listed on the Checklist as a non-accepted name; AFAIK valid varietal status requires morphological differences beyond just unusual color. Since dalessandroi is considered a variety of besseae on WCSP, "besseae var. besseae" refers to a 'normal' besseae that's not var. dalessandroi. If this is different from how AOS operated in the past then it probably just reflects them trying to square up with Kew...

Beautiful plant whatever it's called, and congratulations on the award!
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AFAIK valid varietal status requires morphological differences beyond just unusual color. Since dalessandroi is considered a variety of besseae on WCSP, "besseae var. besseae" refers to a 'normal' besseae that's not var. dalessandroi.

That's along the same lines I was thinking Nat! It's called besseae var. besseae because it's a regular besseae and not var. dalessandroi. I think most of us here (correctly or incorrectly) look at dalessandroi as a separate species, so that's why the besseae var. besseae designation seemed unusual.