Multiflorals assassin
I'd get ahold of Glen on the ID of your plant. Yours is IMHO too far off from Fren's plant. Her pouch opening flares outward as in Grande. The spotting in the pouch is inline with a Grande hybrid as is the color. I'm betting your pink color is coming form a schlimii grandparent somewhere. I looked at my Schroderae and even it has way more spotting in the pouch then your flowers.
PS. as a side note; its Schroderae & Calurum that will bloom flowers w/o petals. I haven't seen this in any of my other hybrids.
My first thought was :"It's a Schroderae".. but the Bouley Bay is half the price of this hybrid. So I thought that it wouldn't be a very profitable mistake for the seller, so I discarded the idea..
Ps.: Your Schroderae is simply amazing!!!