Wow, bravo. I've only had a few of the species kovachii reach this size (the largest one, 'Moyobamba' is 10 growths currently)... but never one of the hybrids. For me, they grow one or two new growths at a time.
A wonderful, well grown, beautifully photographed kovachii hybrid. Love the deep colouring and the spectacular branching.
Looks like your so proud ( and rightly so ) that you have given it pride of place in your home.
Some people have asked about the culture so here it is. I grow this plant in S/H medium in a 5.5-inch pot under a 250-watt HPS light in my basement. It gets no natural light. I try to water it at least once every two days and mist it daily. I use RO water with Michigan State-type fertilizer. The humidity is anywhere from 40% to about 80% when I'm misting. The temperature is anywhere from about 60F to 80F. That's about all I can think of.
It's really just a good grower and good plant. It currently has eleven growths, some new some old. It had six flowers open earlier this week. Feel free to ask me any other questions.
Eric - that is just a small window on our porch. It is elevated high enough so it makes taking a picture pretty easy. I usually take the picture so you can't see it but this time I left it because the plant was so big.