Phrag Nitidissimum

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Oh...:eek: Then just says its own name on the tag. No mommy or daddy. Thanks I know what select means.:D I am planning on taking it to judging on Saturday so maybe it will become 'famous' in it's own right. Keep your fingers crossed.
Hi, Wendy---

I hope the petals of your Nitidisimum arrive at the show without withering---it's difficult to transport the long-tailed phrags. I grow a lot of the long-tails, and I have an assortment of cardboard box "coffins" that I use...they're long, narrow cardboard boxes filled with pillow batting or shredded florist paper. I put a plastic bag around the pot to contain the potting mix and then lay the phrag down in the box, arranging the petals and sepals so that they are pillowed by the shredded paper or batting. Petals arrive in good condition without the shriveling that usually occurs when petals are left to dangle and sway in the box as the car goes to the show or judging. My friends tease me about my phrag coffins, but they really work well.

---Sandy in miserably cold and snowy northern Indiana
Thank You Wendy That was a great shot of the whole plant . Looks good real good. can't wait to see what the judges say.A friend of mine has one in bloom now he bought it from OL I haven't been to visit but he said it looks awesome. It's his first long petaled phrag. Good luck

Thanks everyone. Well no award today. The judges did look at it for almost 40 minutes so I was hopeful but they decided to pass in the end. I was told it is bigger than average with longer petals than most of the awarded ones but the colour could have been stronger. I was happy with it and the judges told me it was a nice show quality Phrag.

Thanks for the tip Sandy. I ship my long petaled Paphs and Phrags in a plastic covered box and put a big nest of soft material around the base to protect the petals from bouncing around. I also spritz down the medium (I dress them up in fancy pots and live moss) so that the plastic cover retains humidity....protects the long petals from the dry air.