Phrag. pearcei

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Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
Michigan, USA
The vendor said this is Phrag. pearcei. But I wonder. What do you think???

I've seen pearcei blooming at Clouds Orchids and it didn't look anything like this one. How large is the bloom?
That's certainly larger then the Cloud's version; I completely missed the flower when I first picked up the plant.

This one is very nice, whatever it may be.
Nice flower Dot and photo as always, but it is definitively not a pearcei,
What I can guess by looking at this hybrid is;
Dorsal and petals and pouch colouration show some characteristic from caricinum and it’s hybrids.
Staminod, inner pouch sparkling and petals colouration and veins from lindleyanum (or any of the platypetalum) hybrids.
If I’ll guess a primary hybrid I would say it look like a sort of Yu-Fu-Liu or something close….??? But could be a more complex hybrid with 12,5% and less of any Phragmipedium species…
Hi Dot,
Definitely not pearcei. It definitely has traits from the lindleyanum-sargentianum group. I know around 2004 or so a wholesaler who occasionanally gets tags mixed up was distributing Phrag Kai Quintal, (Sorcerer's Apprentice x richterii). Could that be a possible identity. I know that wholesaler was selling into Michigan at that time (as well as to myself).
Hi Dot,
Definitely not pearcei. It definitely has traits from the lindleyanum-sargentianum group. I know around 2004 or so a wholesaler who occasionanally gets tags mixed up was distributing Phrag Kai Quintal, (Sorcerer's Apprentice x richterii). Could that be a possible identity. I know that wholesaler was selling into Michigan at that time (as well as to myself).
I know who you are talking about -- we discussed this in another thread where I had a cross that was supposed to be between pearcei & Sorcerer's Apprentice:
but you determined it to be richteri x Sorcerer's Apprentice, which is Kai Quintal.

This flower is different from that one, especially in the color of the dorsal and the quality & size of the spots in the pouch.

I checked this against SlipperKing's Yu-Fu-Liu, and I don't think they are the same. Again, the dorsal and the quality of the spotting is quite different.

I agree with Jean-Pierre that there is caricinum in the background. I looked at all the hybrids with caricinum & platypetalum species, and it doesn't quite look like any of them. So Jean-Pierre's observation that it's probably a complex is probably correct.

Does anyone think there is any pearcei in it? I asked the vendor, "Do you think this tag is wrong?" He said, "What do you think it is?" I said, "I don't know, but it doesn't look like any pearcei I've seen." He said, "It's from my plant, which is pearcei." So what could I say? I'm not an expert. But the plant doesn't even look like pearcei -- the leaves are too broad from the pearcei's I've seen.

There is one characteristic of pearcei it has, though: the flower lasts only 3 or 4 days before it falls off.

So I guess this plant will remain a mystery. Sigh.

Thanks, everyone. I'll probably write the vendor and tell him that the consensus here is that it is not pearcei.
The pouch and petals are very similar to mine, Jean-Pierre. But every one of these I've seen have dorsals that are brownish or reddish. Mine is a definite yellow-green. Does this matter?

Yes! I aggreing with you Dot,
But if you look at this thread, You'll see lots of variation in the Jean Troalen cross the caricinum influence show a green dorsal with that white line on one of the seedling and some coloured in the second one... Variation!