From Peruflora in Montreal? I gave the one I got there away to someone at that show.
It was from Ecuagenera
From Peruflora in Montreal? I gave the one I got there away to someone at that show.
Beautiful! After 10 years of growing from flask, my first kovachii produced a bud; but, then it blasted! Arrrrrrrgh! I still haven't seen one of these incredible flowers in person. REALLY looking forward to that. I envy you getting to enjoy flowers year after year. Next year, with 3 growths should be a great show for you. Good luck!
Still one of the best I've seen. Congrats my friend :clap:
Amp up your fertilizer regime or it's maybe time to change your T5 tubes
The photo is great with the black background and with light coming in from the top.
What are your temperature ranges for summer & winter?
Everything you grow seems over the top!
The temperature range is great! And pleasant one for me, not too hot & not too cold.
5C at night in summer.....................Urghhhhhhhhhh