Phragmipedium longifolium in the wild

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Awarded Stud
Jan 10, 2007
Reaction score
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada
I finally sorted through all my pictures from my recent trip to Ecuador. I saw about 25 species of orchids in blooms...and loads either in spike or just past. My best orchid was 2 plants of Phragmipedium longifolium growing on a steep, moist embankment next to a series of waterfalls near the lodge I stayed in at Mindo.


Wonderful, to see Phrags in wild.

Perhaps other orchidfriends can find pictures of other species of this genus in the wild.

Best greetings and many thanks for sharing the pictures

That's awesome!! Nice shots. I sure wish I could travel where there are phrags growing wild! :D
i,ll bet it was a trip of a lifetime.
simply awsum. great shots.they look soo much better than in a pot
I was there on a bird watching trip, but I always take advantage of any plants I encounter, especially orchids! Mostly I saw the minis...Stelis, Acronia, Pleurothallis and the like. I did see a few Oncidium alliance and lots of Maxillarias. That phrag was a real bonus!