So... Been wandering through search results for a while now and some of it is quite old. Not nearly as old as the last time I flasked seriously. I had quite a bit of success in graduate school flasking paphs and phrags, but that was 20+ years ago. I also had an entire research hospital's worth of equipment, but I can fake that part.
I have a few questions:
1) What media (that I can purchase in the USA) gives you good results? I used to use Sigma P668 + banana, but I can switch. There must have been some advance in the last two decades. I could make my own but I lack an analytical balance and can't afford one - so pre-mixed is probably the easiest way to start.
2) Where do people buy those nice plastic wide-mouth flasks - the ones that Orchid Inn's plants come in (I think they come from Mrs. Root). I have a hundred or so used ones but I suspect I'll need more... Plus it is quite expensive to buy them with plants in them.
Thanks for any info you care to share.
I have a few questions:
1) What media (that I can purchase in the USA) gives you good results? I used to use Sigma P668 + banana, but I can switch. There must have been some advance in the last two decades. I could make my own but I lack an analytical balance and can't afford one - so pre-mixed is probably the easiest way to start.
2) Where do people buy those nice plastic wide-mouth flasks - the ones that Orchid Inn's plants come in (I think they come from Mrs. Root). I have a hundred or so used ones but I suspect I'll need more... Plus it is quite expensive to buy them with plants in them.
Thanks for any info you care to share.