It has not been a smooth transition for hybrids obtaining new names unless a pedigree is given right along with that name. And then there are the names followed by the year registered. Question is, without the disclosure of geneology, which one does a name apply to? An example (and I am going to use a made up name, but I've run into this issue) Blc Angel on an orchid tag. Is it Blc Angel 1941, Blc Angel 1975, or is it now Lc Angel, Rlc Angel, Bc Angel, etc etc etc. The madness goes on. But, if you can at least put Blc Angel (Bc Go x Lc Stop) on a tag, one can get closer to what it really is - and sometimes are fortunate enough that the flower itself can identify which it will be. The name change has affected a lot of plant identities!