Sacramento (CA, USA) Orchid Society Show and Sale (Apr 20-21, 2013)
Paph Fumi's Delight
The bulldog is Paph Forest Park; the Paph on your lower left is Prime Child
Paph Eva Weigner
Paph esquirolei
Bulbo lobbii
Bulbo cheiri
Bc Yellow Bird
Paph urbanianum and Paph villosum; the Phal is Orchid World 'Bonnie Vasquez'
Did not record names for the following:
I think this is Bulbo sumatranum but not sure...
Paph Fumi's Delight
The bulldog is Paph Forest Park; the Paph on your lower left is Prime Child
Paph Eva Weigner
Paph esquirolei
Bulbo lobbii
Bulbo cheiri
Bc Yellow Bird
Paph urbanianum and Paph villosum; the Phal is Orchid World 'Bonnie Vasquez'
Did not record names for the following:
I think this is Bulbo sumatranum but not sure...