Sarcochilus 2025

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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All nice. I have killed every attempt. What's the secret to your succes?
The closest thing I have to a secret is almost freezing them in the fall/winter. I keep them outside until the temperature falls into the 30s. Then they go into my little greenhouse and experience nights into the low 40s until January when the outside temps are in the teens and single digits. It is too hard and too expensive to keep my little greenhouse running. One year I will upgrade to something better than can function year round. For now this is the process. I keep them drier during the cold period, but it is not a hard dry rest.

When it is warm enough, they are outside and receive morning sun followed by light shade the remainder of the day. I will stick them and my Aussie dendrobiums outside in another week or so.
I would really love to grow them but it's a genus that always dies on me. I'm in Chicago so I could probably approximate your weather. Could you write up a detailed instruction? Lol. A lot to ask. I must be doing something VERY wrong because they die so quickly.
Back in my early orchid growing days, a vendor in my area who is no longer in operation, used to have a bunch of different Sarcos for sale. I always enjoyed seeing them in bloom, especially the ones with more red toned flowers. If I recall, some of them are fragrant, too, correct?

I didn't know they had a reputation as being a bit finicky, but based on your description of how you grow them, it sounds like they'd do just fine in my conditions and with my care routine. My greenhouse is tiny, but that was intentional, since I wanted to be able to keep it above freezing in winter using a standard 110v / 5,000BTU heater and within my ability to afford the electric bill. Sarcos are small enough, I'm sure I could find the space for one to try it out.