I discovered this morning that one of my mother flasks has developed some nasty cultures that I wasn't intending to grow. So far, there are two big ugly spots of the stuff, but I assume that it will only be a matter of hours before they take over the whole flask.
Luckily, this was the last motherflask that I made with the pod... so there aren't very many seeds, and I still have several other motherflasks of this cross.
As you can see in the photo, I have a few protocorns that are beginning to develop, but this is Paph parishii, and they aren't especially fast growing. Normally, I'd just chuck the motherflask and use the other ones. Since this is one of my favorite species, though, I'd like to do what I can to save them.
For scale, this is the interior landscape of a babyfood jar. The two contaminated regions are about 2 cm across, total. Take a look:
Sorry for the blurry photo... there was a bit of condensation on the side of the flask.
So, is there anything that I can do to save these? It seems pretty optimistic to thing that I'd have any luck just scooping out the areas that are visibly contaminated. Is there any anti-microbial that is safe enough to use in a flask?
Any suggestions would be appreciated... otherwise, I'll start experimenting in a couple of hours.
- Matt
Luckily, this was the last motherflask that I made with the pod... so there aren't very many seeds, and I still have several other motherflasks of this cross.
As you can see in the photo, I have a few protocorns that are beginning to develop, but this is Paph parishii, and they aren't especially fast growing. Normally, I'd just chuck the motherflask and use the other ones. Since this is one of my favorite species, though, I'd like to do what I can to save them.
For scale, this is the interior landscape of a babyfood jar. The two contaminated regions are about 2 cm across, total. Take a look:
Sorry for the blurry photo... there was a bit of condensation on the side of the flask.
So, is there anything that I can do to save these? It seems pretty optimistic to thing that I'd have any luck just scooping out the areas that are visibly contaminated. Is there any anti-microbial that is safe enough to use in a flask?
Any suggestions would be appreciated... otherwise, I'll start experimenting in a couple of hours.
- Matt