Can you get some sphagnum to grow on the pot?
I know that is disappointing but my guess is the plant is just too small to support the blooms.
Interesting observation. It
is a small plant
What's the temperature Dot?
Bummer! This is your first summer in the greenhouse. Could it be heat stress? It could be caused by the ambient air temperature; or, direct sun on the buds; or, the root system going too dry for too long. Whaddya think?......Any of these possible?
All possible. Nights have been about 68-70ºF while the buds were forming, and daytimes have been in the high 80s/low 90's -- but with lots of air circulation, so it doesn't feel that bad. There has been sun shining on the plant/buds (about half strength from full sun outside) for about 4 hours in the afternoon. I'm watering 2x per week -- 3x when it's really hot, so I don't think the roots are too dry.
I'm thinking along the lines of Thanasis and John on this one Dot. Check your root system. Looks like fantastic clone at this sneak peak so far, hate to loose it.
When I repotted the plant in April, the roots weren't that great. I rechecked them now, and they are still not very good. Acceptable, but not great. I think maybe they were a bit too wet. I did notice a new growth starting, so I'm hoping more roots are on the way.
These shy blooms are beautiful. The plant seems a bit dehydrated (?) perhaps. Next time you will have gorgeous flowers...
Leaves look stressed, too hot or too dry. Better luck next time.
Actually, the part of the plant that looks droopy is the old growth without much roots. The new growth, with the spike, is quite stiff and healthy.
Might remain a mystery...
have to wonder what Dot's temps are like across the big lake from me. I've had a 90 degree plus heat wave for a good week. The weather this summer is like a ping pong ball. Yesterday morning a strong storm came thru & knocked power out to an estimated 800,000, eight hours later there were 525,000 still out & we're one of them! It's gonna be days! Thanks goodness we bought a generator last fall and it was more for the GH in case we lost power in the winter!
Rose, you are right about the ping pong ball. It's been like that since Winter. Winter never seems to end, and then we were cold and wet -- our river was in flood for almost two months -- but during the end of that time it was so dry here it baked the earth! And it was either very hot, or quite cool for summer. We, like you, have had weather in the high 80s and low 90's all month so far. Good thing plants are very tolerant -- more tolerant than I, sometimes!
Thanks, everyone for your comments and questions. I decided it is a cultural problem. I broke off the spike, repotted the plant in a slightly more airy mix, and placed the plant in a shadier spot, and will watch it like a hawk!