Well-Known Member
Thanks! I've gotta check that out then.
seeing all these hybrids at stores makes people forget the species like pumilum.
How are you overwintering your orientals?
I've failed but I haven't really tried hard enough either honestly
I agree about people forgetting about species. They are not very available, and some are magnificent. L. regale has the most amazing fragrance, and is very easy to grow. L. philadelphicum (which is native) is my favorite.
The Oriental I have in a pot gets stored in the fridge (dry) over the winter. It doesn't always bloom when I force it. They need very bright light and sufficient chilling to bloom. I just try to grow it in the brightest spot in my house (and put it outside later) in order to "recharge" the bulb for next year.
The ones outside either do very well or very poorly depending on where I place them. The ones that have been planted in sheltered locations do great. I have some growing between two trees in one part of my garden, where they get full sun most of the day but also a very deep snow cover and I guess less exposure to winter cold. Those plants grow to over 4 feet tall, have formed clumps, and always make lots of blooms. Ones that I have planted in the open usually don't bloom in subsequent years and eventually die. I always mulch them well too.